What is Cupping?
There are still many misconceptions about what cupping is, and how it is used. At Enliven, we use multiple different types of cups and cupping techniques, based on the client's needs and goals. The types of cupping we offer include: Vacuum cupping, Face cupping, Cellulite cupping, Soft cupping, Lymphatic cupping, and Mobilized cupping. As you can see, there are many different techniques! We can use them lightly to move lymphatic fluid, puffiness under the eyes, and swelling. We can use them more aggressively to loosen adhesions, scar tissue, and cellulite, and detoxify. We can use them to mobilize joints, mobilize and soften tissue, including fibrous tissue (sometimes referred to as "knots"), and get more blood flow to an area. The level of pressure is customized to the client's needs and comfort level, and bruises are not always left. Sometimes, darker bruises are left, because there was stagnant blood in that area that hadn't moved in a while, and the next time, would not be expected to leave as dark of a mark. It is a good thing to get stagnancy moving. Just ask us if you have any concerns or are curious to learn more! We look forward to helping you with your wellness goals.
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